Five Love Languages For Singles
Five Love Languages For Singles

Five Love Languages For Singles

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This simple concept can revolutionize all your relationships!

"Nothing has more potential for enhancing one's sense of well-being than effectively loving and being loved. This book is designed to help you do both of these things effectively." -Gary Chapman

With more than 9 million copies sold, The 5 Love Languages® continues to strengthen relationships worldwide. Although originally crafted with married couples in mind, the love languages have proven themselves to be universal. Whether it's dating relationships, parents, coworkers, or friends-understanding your unique love language and that of others can significantly improve your relationships.

The premise is simple: Different people with different personalities express love in different ways. Therefore, if you want to give and receive love most effectively, you've got to learn to speak the right language.

The 5 Love Languages® Singles Edition will help you . . .

* discover the missing ingredient in past relationships
* learn how to communicate love in a way that can transform any relationship
* grow closer to the people you care about the most
* understand why you may not feel loved by those who genuinely care about you
* gain the courage to deeply express your emotions and affection to others

Includes a study guide that's perfect for groups of any size.

ISBN: 9780802414816
Edit. ou Prod.: Moody Press
Référence du produit: 0802411402
Dimensions: 155 x 229 x 15 mm
Poids: 0,337kg
Nombre de pages: 256
Date de sortie: 19/09/2014
Langue: Anglais

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Gary Chapman
Gary Chapman (1957- ) est un auteur, conseiller conjugal et conférencier américain spécialiste du mariage et de la famille. Il est directeur d’un cabinet de consultants en relation d’aide. Il a fait ses études au Moore Bible Institute, Wheaton College, il est docteur en philosophie du Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Il est l’auteur de nombreux livres de relation d’aide, dont le plus connu est Les langages de l’amour publié en 1992.