Isaiah by the day
Isaiah by the day

Isaiah by the day

A new devotional translation

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Alec Motyer was a man who loved the Word of God and was passionate about the Old Testament. These daily devotionals from Isaiah were born of a lifetime of study. For him daily devotion was not a duty but came from a real desire to be transformed by the challenging word of God as given to the prophet Isaiah. These devotionals reassure us that the Lord can restore what sin has robbed us of. Day by day you will read freshly translated passages from Isaiah and have an opportunity to explore the passage further through the author’s notes and devotional comments. Take time to acquaint yourself with these passages from God’s Word and treasure them in your heart and life.

ISBN: 9781845506544
Edit. ou Prod.: Inter-Varsity Press
Référence du produit: 1845506544
Dimensions: 149 x 222 x 40 mm
Poids: 0,795kg
Nombre de pages: 458
Date de sortie: 26/01/2021
Langue: Anglais

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