Jonathan Edwards and Hell
Jonathan Edwards and Hell

Jonathan Edwards and Hell

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Nobody likes the doctrine of hell so a far more comfortable option has been redeveloped and supported in recent years: Annhilationism, the idea that the lost are destroyed rather than suffer endless punishment in hell. Morgan summarises the strengths and weaknesses of the major protagonists on both sides and then points to the influential American Theologian, Jonathan Edwards, as an example of how best to answer the theory. Edwards presents a convincing response, one that we today would do well to study.

ISBN: 9781857929171
Edit. ou Prod.: Crossway
Référence du produit: 1857929171
Dimensions: 138 x 215 x 11 mm
Poids: 0,282kg
Nombre de pages: 172
Date de sortie: 31/12/2004
Langue: Anglais

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