The Torn Veil
The Torn Veil

The Torn Veil

The best-selling story of Gulshan Esther as told to Thelma Sangster

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A Muslim girl imprisoned by her religion, her strict upbringing, her womanhood and her severe disability is set free by God. The Torn Veil, the classic true-life story of Gulshan Esther, was first published in 1984 and has sold over 200,000 copies worldwide.

ISBN: 9780310256885
Edit. ou Prod.: CLC Publications
Référence du produit: 1936143115
EAN: 9781936143115
Dimensions: 133 x 203 x 12 mm
Poids: 0,228kg
Nombre de pages: 208
Date de sortie: 31/12/2018
Langue: Anglais

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